Frequently Asked Questions

Questions Related to Reports and Records

Q:  Are Accident Reports available online?           
A:  Accident reports are available to purchase online at for $11.00.  If the report is not found, this means that the report has not been approved.  Please call (817) 392-4160 to check on the status of your report and to ensure that an accident report was made at the scene of the accident.  For certified copies of an accident report can be obtained at the Police Records Division at 1000 Calvert Street for an additional $2.00. 

Q:  How do I obtain a Clearance Letter?
A:  The Police Identifications Unit provides Clearance Letters indicating all records of arrest with FWPD on Tuesdays and Thursdays by appointment only. Please call: (817)392-4168 to schedule an appointment. The cost for a Clearance Letter is $5.00. You should bring a current government-issued photo ID (driver’s license, military ID, etc.) with you. There is an additional fee of $5.00 for a certified copy. Personal or business checks are not accepted.

Q:  If I live out of the area, can I still get a copy of my criminal history or arrest information?
A: You can receive a copy of your local criminal history or arrest information by mail. Send a signed letter requesting your criminal history including your full name, race, gender, date of birth, and your social security number for exclusionary purposes.  Include a copy of your government issued photo ID (front and back), a self-addressed stamped envelope, and a $5.00 money order made payable to the City of Fort Worth. There is an additional $5.00 charge for a certified copy. Personal or business checks are not accepted. 
Mail your request to the following address:

City of Fort Worth
Police Department
Attn: Warrants/ID Unit
1000 Calvert St.
Fort Worth, TX 76107

Q:  How can I get a copy of a police report?
A:  There are several options for obtaining a police report. “Report Search” is intended to provide you the ability to print reports using your own personal computer. Reports that are confidential by law, such as those sexual in nature or involving juveniles, are not accessible. Users of this service can bypass the need to contact the Police Property and Records Management Division or the City of Fort Worth’s City Secretary's Office if the report you need is available online, pending our internal approval process. To access this service, please visit or search keyword “Reports” on the Fort Worth Police Department’s website. Accident reports are available online at Our Police Records Section hours for customer service are Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at 1000 Calvert Street. Accident reports are available at a cost of $ 11.00 per report. Public copies of Offense Reports that are ten (10) pages or more will cost $.10 per page. Reports that are less than ten (10) pages are free of charge. Reports can be certified for an additional fee of $2.00 for an Accident report and $5.00 for an Offense report. An Accident Report Search fee of $6.00 will be charged for documents certifying no report was found. 

Police reports may also be sent to you by mail or email, or can be picked up in person. To receive reports by mail, you must send in your name, date, report number, location of the accident, and the fee for the cost of the report. To receive reports by email, you must send in the previous information mentioned plus your email address. No more than ten (10) pages per report may be emailed to you. Your report(s) will be mailed to you if they exceed the emailing limit. For easy ordering, you may print out and complete the Police Records Customer Order Form and provide all information requested. You may pay by credit card, cashier’s check or money order if ordering by mail. Please include your credit card number on the form. Do not send cash through the mail. Personal or business checks are not accepted. You may enclose additional pages listing report numbers, as needed. Please remember to sign the form and include a self-addressed stamped envelope(s). All Fed-Ex charges for mailing reports must be paid for by the requestor. No more than three (3) pages, including the order form can be faxed in to request police reports.

Q:  Does the Fort Worth Police Department offer Fingerprinting Services?
A: Fingerprinting services are available in the Identifications Unit by appointment only.  The Identifications Unit is located in the Thomas R. Windham Building, 350 West Belknap St., in the basement. Hours of operation are Tuesday and Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Please call (817)392-4168 to schedule an appointment. The fee is $10.00 per card. Citizens are required to bring the necessary card(s) and a current government-issued photo ID (driver’s license, military ID, etc. State Rejection letters and Fort Worth receipts are required for free reprinting of fingerprints. The Fort Worth Police Department is not approved for the electronic fingerprinting required for a Concealed Handgun License under the Regulations effective March 1, 2011.


Questions Related to Traffic and Tickets

Q: Where can I find information about the Fort Worth Municipal Court? 
The Fort Worth Municipal Court hears cases of city ordinance and code violations, parking and traffic violations and school attendance violations.  For more information about locations, hours, and payment options, visit the Municipal Court section of the City of Fort Worth website here. (You will be leaving the FWPD website)

Q:  Can I pay my traffic fines or traffic warrants online?
  Traffic fines and ticket-related information is a responsibility of the City of Fort Worth Municipal Courts. You may pay for parking and adjudicated fines and costs in full online, over the telephone and in person via Western Union Quick Collect.  For locations, hours, and payment information, please visit the Municipal Court area of the City of Fort Worth website.  (You will be leaving the FWPD website)

Q:  Where can I find a copy of the Drivers Crash Report (State Blue Form CR-2)?
  The Texas Department of Transportation provides the Blue Form on their website found here.  (You will be leaving the FWPD website)

Q:  How can I report a hazardous driver?
A:  If it is an emergency, call 911 immediately.  If not, a Citizen wishing to report a hazardous driver should call the Traffic Hotline at 817-392-4850 or Police Communications at 817-392-4222.

Q:  Does the Fort Worth Police Department enforce commercial vehicle laws within the city limits?
A:  Yes, the Fort Worth Police Department has a specialized unit to provide quality service to the community through effective enforcement and positive interaction with the transportation community and our citizens. 

Q:  I have questions regarding traffic issues.  How do I contact the Traffic Division?
A:  The Traffic Division can be reached at 817-392-4850. 

Q:  Where is the Auto Pound located?
A:  The Auto Pound is located at: 2500 Brennan Street.
                                                 Fort Worth 76106                                                 
                                                 Phone:  817-392-5950 or 817-392-5951
                                                 Fax:      817-392-5957
The Auto Pound is open 24 hours a day, seven (7) days a week. Towing fees are set by City Ordinance No. 12924.  For more information, click here.

Questions Related to Patrol

What is a Neighborhood Police Officer (NPO)?
A:  The position of Neighborhood Police Officer was created during the implementation of Code:Blue in 1991. More positions were added through the Weed & Seed and Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) grant. A component within the Crime Control District increased the number of Neighborhood Patrol Officers (NPO’s) by 14 to provide one NPO for each major housing community (Butler and Cavile), enhance services to emerging Citizens on Patrol groups, assist with mobile storefronts, and provide relief for beat NPO’s during periods of absence due to vacation, training, prolonged illness or injury, etc.  

Q:  How do I schedule a Ride-In with an officer?
  If you are interested in riding along with a police officer, contact any of the patrol divisions for information. You will need to arrange the ride-in at least 72 hours in advance to facilitate scheduling. You must be 16 years of age to ride-in and ride-ins under 18 years of age shall be limited to the first watch.  The ride-in instructions and required waiver can be found under the “Forms and Documents” tab at the top of the page.

Q:  How can I distinguish a real Fort Worth Police Officer from an impersonator? 
  Helpful information on identifying a potential impersonator can be found here.

Q:  Is there a list of phone numbers for the Fort Worth Police Department?
  Yes, a list of department phone numbers can be found under the “Contacts” tab located at the top of the webpage.  
Q:  Do I have a criminal warrant out for my arrest?
A:  If you are unsure if you have a warrant out for your arrest, you can ask any police officer or go to any police station to have a warrant check done on yourself.

Q:  Can I report animal abuse, noise complaints, and stray animals?
A:  Yes, you can make a complaint or request for service through the City of Fort Worth website.  Click here.

Q:  How do I complain on an officer?
A: If you would like to complain on an officer, you may do so by contacting any supervisor, coming to the Bob Bolen Public Safety Building at 505 W. Felix, or by contacting the Internal Affairs (IA) by calling 817-392-4270, or by submitting a complaint online.

Q:  I haven’t heard from my husband/wife/son/daughter in days, is he/she in your jail?
A:  The Fort Worth Police Department contracts their jail operations to the Mansfield Law Enforcement Center (MLEC).  The number for MLEC Jail Inmate Information is 817-473-8676.  Tarrant County Jail information can be accessed by going to the Inmate Search section of the County website.

Questions Related to Crime Prevention and Community Service

Q:  Does the Fort Worth Police Department provide auto etching services?
  Yes, using a process similar to sandblasting, the police department will permanently etch your vehicle's unique vehicle identification number into all window glass and selected metal components of your vehicle. The police department also applies a sticker that lets the car thief know that the vehicle has been marked, therefore, making it difficult for them to sell to a "chop shop." You may qualify for a deduction on your automobile theft insurance after having your vehicle etched. 

Q:  What is the Crime Control and Prevention District (CCPD)?
A:  A summary on the Crime Control and Prevention District and be found under the “CCPD” tab at the top of the page.

Q:  Does FWPD have information about Prevention of Church Violence?
A:  Yes, it is available online here.  You must have Adobe Reader to view the document.

Q:  Are Crime Statistics for Fort Worth available on the FWPD website?
A:  Yes, there are a couple options that can be found under the "Crime Information" tab at the top of the page.

Q:  Does the Fort Worth Police Department partner with local clergy?
A: Yes, the Fort Worth Police Department has community based programs that partner with local clergy to combat crime.  A couple of such programs are Clergy and Police Alliance (C.A.P.A.) and Ministers Against Crime (M.A.C.).  For more information, visit the “Get Involved” tab at the top of the page.

Q:  How can I make a difference in my community?
A:  The Fort Worth Police Department has many community based programs that involve the partnership of the police department and the community to combat crime.  For information on how you can make a difference in Fort Worth, visit the “Get Involved” tab at the top of the page.

Q:  Where can I find information about Identity Theft/Fraud?
A:  Within the last decade, the amount of Identity Theft’s has increased exponentially.  If you think your identity or information has been compromised, or you are looking for tips to avoid becoming a victim, click here.

Q:  I am a victim of online fraud.  Who do I contact?
A:  Make a report with the Internet Crime Complaint Center. They will send a report to the city where the victim lives and to the proper jurisdiction where the suspect lives. The appropriate authorities will then be able to investigate the incident.

Internet Crime Complaint Center  (You will be leaving the FWPD website)

Miscellaneous Questions

Q:  Where are the City of Fort Worth's e-commerce trade site locations?
Bob Bolen Public Safety Complex - 505 W. Felix St. Lobby open Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
     South Division
- 3501 W. Risinger Rd. Lobby open Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
     Northwest Division - 4651 N. Main St. Lobby open Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
    East Division - 1100 Nashville Ave. Lobby open Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Q:  Where can I find the latest Texas laws?

 A:  You can visit to view the latest laws and legislature.  (You will be leaving the FWPD website)

Q:  Where can I find the History of the Fort Worth Police Department?
A:  At the top of the page under the “About the Department” tab, there is a complete department history as well as an organizational chart that illustrates how the Fort Worth Police Department is structured.  

Q:  How do I submit a public information request?
A:  Public Information Requests must be submitted to the City Secretary's Office.  For more information, please visit the City of Fort Worth website. (You will be leaving the FWPD website)

Q:  The alarm company told me to contact you for an alarm permit.  Where can I find the form?
A:  Although the Fort Worth Police Department handled alarm permits in the past, the City of Fort Worth Planning and Development Department now handles all permit requests.  Visit the Commercial and Residential Burglar Alarms Permits section on the city website.

Q:  Does the Fort Worth Police Department have specialized units?
A:  Yes, a complete list of specialized units within the department can be found in the interactive organization chart located under the “Divisions” tab at the top of the page. 

If you have any questions that were not answered here, please contact the Fort Worth Police Department at 817-392-4200.  You may also email questions to the Police Department using our online email form. This email is not monitored 24 hours a day; therefore, please do not use email for an emergency or to make an offense report.

Special Needs Assistance Program (SNAP)

In any emergency, good information is crucial. That's why the City of Fort Worth is working with agencies throughout North Texas to build a database of residents with special needs — to ensure assistance is available when disasters strike.

Learn More